Installing Zabbix v1.6.1 on Debian Etch

As of this writing, Etch is the current "stable" version of Debian.

This is how to install Zabbix!

  1. Add an unstable deb-src repository to your sources.list. If you have problems later, make sure the following deb-src line is the only deb-src line in your sources.list file.

    echo "deb-src unstable main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. Update your package repository

    apt-get update
  3. Install necessary packages for this compiling project

    apt-get install libcurl3-dev build-essential automake1.9  libsnmp9-dev libiksemel-dev libopenipmi-dev libpq-dev
  4. Download source

    cd /tmp
    apt-get source zabbix
    cd zabbix-1.6.1
  5. Modify source because etch doesn't have libcurl4. Modify the control file (line 6) where it says "libcurl4-gnutls-dev" with "libcurl3-dev"

    vi debian/control
  6. Compile source. If you're missing packages, this command will tell you what other packages you need to install before this command works properly.

    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
  7. Install fresh packages

    cd ..
    ls -l *deb
    dpkg -i ./<zabbix package of your choice>.deb

All done. Remember, this guide doesn't tell you how to use Zabbix. I suggest you look in the /usr/share/doc/zabbix* directories that the packages created. Also, read the documentation, forums, wiki, etc.


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